
São Paulo Cigarettes (Personal Project)

In 2024, an article released by IQAir set São Paulo as the city with the worst air conditions in the whole world - a day breathing was just the same as smoking 4 cigarettes. As residents of the city and people concerned about the paths followed by 2024's mayor election, we decided to do something about it: send a special pack of cigarettes made entirely by São Paulo's air pollutants to all 10 candidates as a way of raising awareness and make them set possible solutions for this issue.


Creative Direction: Manoel Michael
3D Visuals: Matheus Abitbol
Video Editor: Gabriel Castilho
3D Visuals 
Personal Project
for Design Ativista

Hello! My name is Matheus Abitbol. I'm a brazilian graphic designer and art director focused on
branding and 3D Visuals. For the past few years, I've been working at advertising agencies and
design studios, alongside clients such as O Globo, Havaianas, GWM, Engie and Senna Brands.
Currently, I work as a Designer & Art Director at Asia // The Experience Company. Hit me up for
any chat about life or a special work that might comes to mind.

Past Experience:
• 2023/Currently
↳Designer at Asia // The Experience Company
• 2022/2023
Jr. Brand Designer at Estúdio Gole
• 2021/2022
↳ Intern > Jr. Brand Designer at Estúdio Sarau
Lürzer’s Archive
Packaging of the World
World Brand Design
Ads of the World
Best of Behance
🥈 Brasil Design Awards 2024
The Weight of Inequity (Posters)
🥉 Brasil Design Awards 2024
The Weight of Inequity (Promotional Design)
📒 Brazilian Creative Club 2024
Asia Merch (Design)

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